
Company: Bückmann GmbH & Co. KG
Registration court: Mönchengladbach
Register number: HRA 4336
VAT No.: DE813914217
Persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Bückmann Komplementär GmbH
Sitz: Mönchengladbach
Handelsregister beim Amtsgericht: Mönchengladbach
Handelsregisternummer: HRB 8187
Geschäftsführer: Bernard Bückmann


Bückmann Lohnaufbereitung
GmbH & Co. KG
Registration court: Mönchengladbach
Register number: HRA 7253
VAT No.: DE815525513
Persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Bückmann Geschäftsführungs GmbH
Sitz: Mönchengladbach
Handelsregister beim Amtsgericht: Mönchengladbach
Register number: HRB 16275
Geschäftsführer: Bernard Bückmann


All contents, including photographs, text, graphics, animations, are protected by copyright and other laws protecting intellectual property. The contents of this website may not be copied, distributed or modified for commercial purposes.

Exclusion of liability:

In spite of careful and regular control, Bückmann GmbH & Co. KG nevertheless accepts no liability or warranty for the completeness, accuracy or timeliness of the information provided on this website. This also applies to all references ("Links") to third-party contents that are directly or indirectly referred to from this website.

Hosting & Programming:

41199 Mönchengladbach

E-Mail: info(at)

Image credits

The website uses images, photos or graphics of the persons / agencies listed below. If a picture credits are missing, please let us know - thank you!
Das Unternehmen © Fotograf Markus Steur